Submitted By: Brain Haley
Try to avoid the obvious grammatical errors. However, a clearly written communication requires a proper sentence structure and the appropriate use of words. Try to make sure that your sentences are complete; they make sense when you proofread, and you have the verb/subject agreement.
Spelling errors in your paper is the last thing that you can do to annoy the reader. For example, absorbency is read from a spectrophotometer. You don’t at all read absorbency from a spectrometer. This particular style of writing can change the entire meaning of your writing. One letter can change the chemical compound that you describe. I very well know the action of cycloheximide in eukaryotic cells, but I don’t know the action of cyclohexamide exactly.
Inaccurate Word or Phrase
Changing variables, such as a change in temperature had the following affect on the subject.
“Affect” is a verb, while “effect” is a noun, and the word that was supposed to be used right here. The temperature change has affected the subject. Please learn the difference between them.
The data leads to the assumption that x has no relationship with y.
If you tend to base a conclusion on the basis of the data, then your conclusion is supposed to be a deduction, not an assumption. In fact, assumptions are usually avoided in experimental science. A purpose of the control variables is to basically eliminate the need to assume anything.
We have rationalized the finding that the blocking of the sodium pump did not affect on the uptake of glucose that suggests that the symport mechanism does depend solely on the sodium gradient, which would persist long after the pump shuts down.
The definition of ‘rationalize’ is ‘to make excuse or justify.’ There is this meaning that is ‘to attribute creditable or logical motives to actions that result from other, perhaps not recognized, motives.’ In short it means to make excuses. What I learned in an English class long time back is that the term’s principal usage is to actually attempt to justify something on dubious grounds. For example, ‘he rationalized his inadequate behavior by saying that he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was flustered.’ The definition however, does not include anything that makes the explanation valid; therefore, another word would be preferred. Try
An explanation that is likely to be found for the finding….is that…..
The word ‘data’ is a plural word. However, since the investigators are usually referring to sets of data, there is a tendency to use the word as if it’s a singular. Hence, a writer might state, ‘data was affected by the phase of the moon,’ or ‘data suggests that the phase of the moon does not affect the mood.’ It would obviously seem awkward to you, as it just seemed to me, the proper phrases are, ‘data were affected…...’ and ‘data suggest…’ However, if you don’t know as yet, the singular form of data is ‘datum’. Errors Made in a Research Paper
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